Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Figures of Action

Monday, February 8, 2010


Here's a picture I took this weekend of some clouds. They reminded me of stepping stones across a stream, seen from below the water's surface.

I'd like to find something to complain about here as per usual, but I can't think of anything just yet.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Macau Cookie

This is a cookie that was brought back from Macau and given to me.

Its lovely mellow sweetness is unfortunately strangled by its salty seaweed cummerbund. This seeming afterthought would have been best left off the naked gateau if you ask me, as I feel it destroys rather than enhances. To me, there is really only one culinary wrapper that ever amounts to an upgrade: bacon.

I came to find out later that perhaps "cookie" had been a misnomer.

It turns out it is more of an egg roll (made from real phoenix eggs!) with, apparently, pork jerky hiding inside. That must have been the bit I'd identified as freeze-dried brine shrimp betta fish food. My mistake.